Privacy & Legal

Privacy Policy

​Privacy Policy

1. Scope of Application

1.1 The website (“Archisketch”) is operated by archisketch Inc (the “Archisketch”). All products and services of Archisketch platform aresubject to this Terms. If certain products or services require specific privacypolicies, we will explain to you before providing these products or services.

1.2 This Terms does not apply toproducts or services that are accessed through our products or services andthat are provided to you by third parties, such as third-party websitesdisplayed in our products or services. It is important to note that when youuse a third-party product or service, your information protection shall applyto that third party's privacy policy.

2. Information We May Collect

The following information aboutyou may be collected, stored and used when we provide services. If you do notprovide relevant information, you may not be able to register as a user orenjoy some of the services we offer, or you may not be able to achieve thedesired results of the services.

2.1 Information You Provide

2.1.1 When registering, pleaseprovide us with your account name, mobile phone number or email, and create apassword.

2.1.2 In order to protect yourlegal rights and transaction security, we may ask you to provide more authenticidentity information including your real name, ID number, date of birth, etc.when you use Archisketch specific products or services (such as purchasingproducts or services, paying, creating a homepage, etc.) for real-nameauthentication or payment verification.

2.1.3 Sensitive PersonalInformation

Special note: Some of yourpersonal information, such as religious belief, biometric information, healthand medical information, may be considered sensitive personal information.Uploading, providing or posting this information on Archisketch platform willresult in someone being aware of your sensitive personal information, so pleasebe cautious.

2.2 Information Collected DuringYour Use of Products or Services

During your use of Archisketchproducts or services, we may collect the following information:

2.2.1 The shared information yousend to other parties through our services and the information that you storewhen using our services.

2.2.2 Your information shared byother parties.

2.2.3 Your shared informationprovided by other parties when using our services.

2.2.4 Log information, that is,technical information that the system may collect through cookies, web beaconsor other means when using our products or services, including deviceinformation (such as your hardware model, operating system version, deviceconfiguration, unique device identifier, etc.); geographic locationinformation; device connection information (e.g., browser type, telecomcarrier, language, etc.); device status information (e.g., device sensor data,etc.).

2.2.5 Special Tips:

(1) We record and retain detailsof your activities when you use the Archisketch Platform. We also record andretain records of your browsing and purchasing activities on our Platformincluding but not limited to IP addresses, browsing patterns and userbehavioral patterns. In addition, we gather statistical information about ourPlatform and visitors to our Platform which include but not limited to IPaddresses, browser software, operating system, software and hardwareattributes, pages viewed, number of sessions and unique visitors (together asthe “Non-Personal Data”).

(2) We may associate the aboveinformation and may associate your device information with your account so thatwe can provide you with consistent services on these devices.

(3) You may terminate thecollection of your information by turning off the location function, rejectingthe cookie, etc., but you may not be able to acquire the related service or theeffect that the related service is intended to achieve.

2.3 Information from ThirdParties

When you use Archisketch productsor services, we may receive your personal information from other third-partyservice providers, payment agencies, etc., in accordance with laws andregulations or based on your authorization.

3. How to Manage Your Information

You have the right of access toaccess your personal information held by us and to request correction of theinformation. Archisketch is doing everything possible to ensure that you cansuccessfully access and manage the information in your Archisketch account inaccordance with the laws and regulations. When you need to access and manageyour personal information, we may ask you to authenticate to protect yourinformation. If you have any question regarding the Privacy Policy or you have problem to access or correct yourpersonal information, you may send your request in written to

We reserve the right to chargeyou a reasonable fee for processing of any data access or correction request.

4. Description of Information Collection Methods Such As Cookies

4.1 Archisketch may collect anduse your information through cookies, web beacons, etc., and store thisinformation as log information. You may choose to refuse cookies by modifyingyour browser settings, but you may not be able to sign in or use Archisketchservices or features which rely on cookies.

4.2 We use our own cookies, webbeacons, etc. to collect information for providing you with better services.Its main purpose is to: identify and remember your user identity; save the userpreferences and other information you provide to us; analyze your use of ourservices and your activity preferences; optimize our ads to serve morepersonalized ads.

5. The Circumstances in Which We May Use & Collect Your Information

The purpose of our collection anduse of your information is to:

5.1 Help you complete userregistration and provide you with products or services;

5.2 Improve products or servicesby evaluating, maintaining and improving the products or services we operate;

5.3 We may conduct statistics andanalysis on the use of products and services. We may share these statisticswith the public to demonstrate the overall usage trends of our services, orprovide these analysis results to our advertisers and third-party partners foradvertising services. In any case, the statistics will not contain anypersonally identifiable information about you.

5.4 Such information may be usedfor security purposes. For example, we may use your information for identityauthentication, security protection, archiving and backup to detect, investigateand dispose activities that may endanger the security violate laws andregulations, and finally protect user rights.

5.5 We may use your informationfor information push and notification, including commercial promotion andadvertising-type information push. If you do not wish to receive thisinformation, we will also provide you with the method to cancel suchinformation subscription. But you will not be able to cancel the subscriptionof the information that is related to the system service and is not a promotionadvertisement. For example, a notification sent to you by Archisketch due tothe service suspension caused by the system maintenance.

6. The Circumstances in Which We May Share, Disclose or Transfer YourInformation

6.1 We will not share yourinformation with any third party without your consent, except in the followingcases:

We will not share yourinformation with any third party without your consent, except in the followingcases:

6.1.1 In order to achieve theobjectives listed in Article 5, we will share your information with affiliatesbased on the principle of necessity in order to improve the quality of productsand services;

6.1.2 Share your information withbusiness partners or other trusted third-party service providers, third-partysuppliers, third-party agents, etc., in order to make third parties provideservices to you and improve the quality of services;

6.1.3 Comply with therequirements of any applicable laws and regulations, court decisions orjudgments, or mandatory requirements of government agencies;

6.1.4 Identify, prevent or dealwith fraud, security or technical issues;

6.1.5 Other information sharingand disclosure in accordance with the mandatory requirements of laws andregulations, judicial organs or government agencies.

6.2 We will not transfer yourdata to third parties without your consent, except in the following cases:

When Archisketch and itsaffiliates are engaged in mergers, divisions, liquidation, acquisitions orsales of assets or businesses, your personal information may be transferred aspart of such transactions, but we will make every effort to ensure the securityof data transfer. You agree to understand and recognize this.

7. The Methods We Retain, Store and Protect Your Information

7.1 Your personal information wecollect will remain on the server located in Republic of Korea. Thisinformation and materials may be sent to, accessed, stored and displayed inyour country, region, or location where Archisketch collects information andmaterials.

7.2 We attach great importance toinformation security and have established a dedicated technical team toestablish systems and procedures that comply with data security technologystandards. In addition, we also stick to protect your information from being accessed,used or disclosed by unauthorized access through multiple measures such asaccess control and security incident handling. But please understand that therapid development of Internet technology and possible malicious attacks maymake the 100% information security impossible, and there may occur somesecurity issues beyond our control. In the event of such problems, we will doour utmost to dispose of security incidents in a timely manner. As one of thepreventive measures in advance, we also remind you to strengthen the securityof your accounts and information by using more complicated passwords and changeit regularly, carefully disclose your personal sensitive information, and payattention to the settings of device permissions when replacing devices. We willalso remind you of new security attacks and precautions in the form ofoccasional notifications, therefore you shall pay close attention to thesenotifications.

7.3 We Further Remind You to PayAttention to the Published Shared Information:

As long as you do not delete thepublished shared information, the information will remain in the public domain;even if you delete the shared information, the information may be cached,copied or stored independently by other users or third parties which are notunder our control, or saved by other users or such third parties in the publicdomain.

Therefore, please carefullyconsider whether the information you post contains sensitive privateinformation or information that you do not want to be known to the outsideworld before the information is released. If it is included, please do notupload, publish or share.

8. Third-Party Social Media or Other Services

8.1 You can sign in to ourservices through third-party social media (Facebook, Google, etc.), and we alsoprovide you with the feature of sharing your content to social media or otherservices provided by third parties (such as Facebook and other social media andnetworks); we will also provide you with links through advertisements or other meansof our services, allowing you to access third party services or websites. Theprocess of using these services may result in the collection of your personalinformation.

8.2 In view of the fact thatthese third-party social media or other services are operated by third parties.When you use services operated by third parties, you are required to accept theTerms of Service and Privacy Policy of third parties. Therefore, we stronglyrecommend you to read their terms and conditions carefully.

8.3 This PrivacyPolicy only applies to the information collected by Archisketch and doesnot apply to any services or information usage rules of third parties. We arenot responsible for the use of your information by any third party.

9. Information Protection for Minors

We attach great importance to theprotection of information about Minors. If you are a Juvenile under the age of18, we encourage you to ask your guardian to read this PrivacyPolicy carefully, and use our products or services, or provide us with yourinformation with the consent of your guardian.

If a minor under the age of 18has provided us with personal information without guardian consent, theguardian should contact us to remove the information. you may send your requestin written to

10. Supplementary

10.1 The PrivacyPolicy shall remain in force for a long period of time, effect from thetime you confirm your acceptance, or from the time you use this Service in anyway, whichever comes first.

Any changes to this Privacy Policy willbe communicated by us posting an amended Privacy Policy on ArchisketchPlatform. Once posted on our Platform, the new Privacy Policy willbecome immediately effective. You agree that any information we hold about you(as described in this Policy and whether or not collected prior to or after thenew Policy became effective) will be governed by the latest version ofour Privacy Policy.


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